O‘zbekiston delegatsiyasi Dushanbe shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadigan xalqaro konferensiyada ishtirok etadi
O‘zbekiston delegatsiyasi Dushanbe shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadigan xalqaro konferensiyada ishtirok etadi
O‘zbekiston tashqi ishlar vaziri Vladimir Norov 18-19 oktyabr kunlari Dushanbe shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadigan "Terrorizmga qarshi kurash va terrorchilar harakatlanishining oldini olish uchun chegaralar xavfsizligi hamda chegara nazorati sohasidagi xalqaro va mintaqaviy hamkorlik" mavzusidagi yuqori darajadagi xalqaro konferensiyada ishtirok etadi, deb xabar qilmoqda “Dunyo” AA muxbiri.
TIV maʼlumotiga ko‘ra, tadbir Tojikiston hukumati, BMTning Terrorizmga qarshi kurash boshqarmasi, BMTning Markaziy Osiyo uchun preventiv diplomatiya bo‘yicha mintaqaviy markazi, Yevropa Ittifoqi, Yevropada xavfsizlik va hamkorlik tashkiloti, Saudiya Arabistoni va Qatar tomonidan tashkil etilmoqda.
This issue was considered at the session of Tashkent Regional Council of People’s Deputies on September 22 this year. The President emphasized that the region has great tourism opportunities and instructed to use the potential of the districts.
Thus, the “Golden Ring” of the Tashkent region is being created, which will connect Zangiata, Chinaz, Akhangaran, Angren, Parkent and Bostanlyk districts. For example, there are many recreation areas around the villages of Kumushkan, Zarkent and Suqoq in Parkent district. But due to insufficient infrastructure, the existing potential has not been fully realized.
In this regard, a separate master plan was developed, which provides for the improvement of the condition of roads leading to the tourist area of Parkent, the expansion of electricity and drinking water supplies, the implementation of measures on watering and greening the mountain slopes. In general, infrastructure will be created by the state, and areas promising for tourism will be put up for auction.
The Head of the state, noting not only the economic, but also the social significance of the project, proposed the creation of a management company for the systematic organization of work on infrastructure construction.
During the presentation, plans were also discussed to expand the conditions for pilgrims in the mausoleum of Hakim at-Termizi in Surkhandarya region.